Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contrast the conception of international organizational life explored Essay

Contrast the conception of international organizational life explored in C.F. Amerasinghe's textbook, Principles of the Institutional Law of International Orga - Essay Example One group believes the UN is controlled by the big four and simply a pawn of the United States, because the other three most powerful member states are economically dependent upon the U.S. economy. There is another smaller group which believes quite the same is true of the small member nations controlling the votes. The other main reason for considering the U.N. ineffectual is that it has no teeth and cannot ever be impartial (unless we find a Martian or two to run it). These people mostly believe that the U.N. has outlived it usefulness and should be disbanded. â€Å"Most of the influential members of international organizations have a common cultural background. The style of the United Nations is Western European, as many observers have remarked. The countless shared values, preferences, behavioral patterns and cultural assumptions of this international - and inter-organizational - elite of international organizations’ western or westernized members strongly orient their eventual innovative efforts. On the one hand, these common traits provide an impetus towards innovations, since western cultures prize novelty, dynamism and change. On the other hand, they limit its scope, since only those innovations compatible with the tenets of western cultures are favoured by this group.† (Harari, and Bouza 50) This has the effect of alienating many members and non-members which do not value western culture and who may even see it as the enemy. The U.N. is seldom seen as really impartial, and is viewed by many as the puppet of western imperialism. Even those who see it as essentially good and necessary have doubts. â€Å"Dissatisfaction with the way the UN system and the development experts operate is steadily increasing. Their whole approach to development issues and the style of functioning are being openly questioned. In the eyes of critics, the results achieved are not commensurate with the effort. Development has not lived up to its

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